
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Welcome to Our Garden Blog!

We are happy you've stopped by in our corner of the blogosphere! Scott and I love to garden, and we are excited to share our adventures with you.  When we were dating, we discovered our mutual love for all things plant related.  We made sure that our first apartment had a grand gardening space.  We now live in Charleston, South Carolina, known by the locals as the 'Lowcountry'.  We are embarking on our first attempt at Southern gardening.

Below are some highlights of our first ever winter cool season garden.  We planted in late October, after Scott built our two raised planter boxes.  Everything vegetable you see was grown from seed.

Our little broccolis are quite healthy looking.  This is our first time growing broccoli.

Kale is so hardy and didn't need to be covered during the cold days.

The cabbage looks so beautiful and we are looking forward to a bountiful harvest.

The lettuce has been more problematic.  We had several days of stormy winter weather where the night temperatures dipped below freezing.  Our lettuce didn't appreciate this and has grown much slower than the other plants.

From left to right is Scott, cilantro, rosemary and chamomile.  The cilantro is bigger and more beautiful than we could ever have imagined.    Scott used to say that cilantro wasn't worth growing because it is so cheap to buy.  He has since rescinded that statement.  We have loved walking outside and breaking off a stalk for an omelet, tacos and salsa.  It has grown well all winter and even forgave us for not covering it up during the ice storm last month.

The rosemary is alive and well.  I haven't cooked with it yet.  They grow like shrubs here so I need to find another home for it.  The chamomile has quadrupled in size since last October.  I'm excited to see it bloom this year.

And then there's the sunchokes.  I will let Scott tell you all about these, as I have no doubt it will be the biggest and most fun thing he grows this season.  Here he is digging the tubers up so as to find another home for them.  (They have been evicted by yours truly.)

And that is pretty much the extent of our veggie gardening, for now.  We're gearing up for the warm season and will be starting some seeds later this week.


  1. Kale is pretty amazing. I planted some last year and it actually survived the winter and is growing back this spring. I had no idea it could handle utah winters! SC is an awesome place to garden, I am alittle jealous of your long growing season.

    1. Kale is amazing! When we lived in Colorado, it handled the winter just fine and was only picked on by the deer when they had nothing else to eat. SC can be fun to garden in, especially in the winter when the bugs are asleep. Spring and summer is laden with diseases and bugs so here's hoping that we can come out of it with some sort of a harvest!
